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Striving for




Early Years Foundation Stage

“We are amazed by the progress our child has made in such a short space of time!”

Parent – Autumn 2022

“We are really happy with the school and feel our child is progressing well here!”

Parent – Spring 2023

“My child is so happy to come to school and loves showing me the new things they have learnt.”

Parent – Spring 2023

Early Years Foundation Stage at Aughton Junior Academy provides a safe, secure and stimulating learning environment for all children. Our aim is to ensure every child has the best possible start in life and the support that enables them to reach their full potential. The Foundation Stage is an important period of children’s education as it develops an early love of learning. At Aughton, we ensure all children are prepared for future challenges and success. We ensure a smooth transition from home to school and then prepare the children to begin the National Curriculum in Key Stage 1.


Our Curriculum

We have developed a curriculum which is child-centred and that staff are passionate about delivering to help children become confident and independent learners. Staff take the time to get to know the children’s interests and likes so they are able to support their learning, resulting in a bespoke curriculum.

In Foundation, we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. This curriculum sets out the end of year expectations for children in Reception, also known as the Early Learning Goals. We teach the curriculum using our reading into writing text as a hook that builds skills, knowledge and independence. We supplement these topics by planning opportunities for children to explore their own interests. We aim to provide opportunities that inspire children to discover the awe and wonder of the world around them. We are passionate about delivering a curriculum that is engaging, creative and challenging for all children. A balance of play-based and adult-led learning, in both the indoor and outdoor learning environment, is used to work towards achievement of the Early Learning Goals. We also promote the development of the Characteristics of Effective Learning. These underpin the achievement of the ELGs.

The early learning goals include 7 areas of learning:

3 Prime areas of learning:                                                                     

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Physical Development

Communication and Language

4 Specific areas of learning:



Understanding the World

Expressive Arts and Design

Communication and language are at the heart of our curriculum as they underpin all areas of learning. High quality conversations and vocabulary development occur daily through play-based learning, continuous provision and story time. We have carefully planned daily story time activities and snack and chat time, which have a specific focus each half-term.



WOW Moments

We are committed to providing children with a range of experiences and opportunities that will enrich their success and time in school. Each half term children take part in different activities to support their learning and develop their sense of curiosity and wonder.




Assessment is based primarily on practitioners’ knowledge of the children. This knowledge is gained predominantly from observation and interaction in a range of daily activities and events. Embedded learning is identified by assessing what a child can do consistently and independently in a range of everyday situations We understand effective assessment presents a holistic view of a child’s learning and development and therefore staff take account of contributions from a range of perspectives including the child, their parents and other relevant adults when completing these.



Parental/Carer Involvement

At Aughton Junior Academy, we are committed to developing strong relationships with parents/carers as we understand the importance of involving you in all aspects of your child’s learning.

Throughout the year, parents/carers are invited to a range of different events that enables you to support and celebrate your child’s learning and progress. Some of these include:

Phonics Workshops – these enable you to develop a sound understanding of the ACET phonics scheme and how your child will learn to read and how you can support them at home.

Curriculum Showcase – these celebrate and show off all the hard work your child has been doing in class throughout the year.

Craft Afternoons – these give parents/carers the opportunity to spend time in your child’s class and join them in creating art work linked to the skill they are currently focusing on.

Parents Evenings - these give parents/carers the opportunity to speak with class teachers to discuss child’s progress and how they can be further supported at home.